Rain Gardens
A rain garden is a depressed basin that captures and soaks up stormwater that runs off a roof, driveway, or other hard surfaces. The 14 rain gardens on South Grand may look like typical flower gardens but they are natural systems designed to treat stormwater.
The plants in these rain gardens are native to Missouri and evolved with its climate over a long period of time. They adapted to living in wet and dry conditions.
There are six walking tour signs throughout the district explaining how the 14 rain gardens are helping with capturing stormwater. Please take the time to explore our six blocks or click below to view the six walking tour signs. You can view the six signs by clicking on the links below:
Sign 1: Cleaner and Greener Streets
Sign 2: Everyone Lives in a Watershed
Sign 3: Drains to Streams
Sign 4: Stormwater Deserves a Treat
Sign 5: Grand Rain Gardens: Beautiful and Beneficial
Sign 6: Keep Streams Clean
Partners whose Financial and in-kind support has made the project possible:
- Missouri Department of Natural Resources
- Missouri Department of Conservation
- City of Saint Louis
- East-West Gateway Council of Governments
- Southern Illinois University of Edwardsville
- Metropolitan Sewer District
- William A. Kerr Foundation
- Academy of Science