Missouri History Museum Lecture

Date(s) - Saturday, October 17, 2015
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Apotheosis Comics and Lounge located at 3206 South Grand Blvd.

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At Ritz Park on South Grand

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Learn how to research the history of your home with Missouri History Museum associate archivist Dennis Northcott. See what discoveries can be found about your home and its former residents in old maps, directories, census records, historic photos, and more.

A native St. Louisan and graduate of Washington University, Dennis Northcott has been on the Missouri History Museum staff since 1989 and currently is an associate archivist at the Library and Research Center. He has compiled numerous guides to the museum’s manuscript collections, including an inventory of the extensive Civil War holdings. He is the creator of the Missouri History Museum’s Genealogy and Local History Index, and frequently gives presentations and workshops on genealogy and house history research.