South Grand Demographics

(Driving Times from South Grand Business District)

  5 Minute 10 Minute 15 Minute
Total Population 52,664 174,061 362,343
Daytime Population 45,160 224,740 439,623
Population between 0- 9 6,956 19,394 39,749
Population between 10-19 6,195 18,866 41,230
Population between 20-44 21,339 71,678 140,295
Population between 45-74 16,130 55,121 118,274
Population 75+ 2,044 9,000 22,795
High School Education 14,262 50,352 104,971
College Degree 17,577 59,649 124,103
Average Family Income $68,699 $68,569 $73,161

Data Source: ESRI

The numbers speak for themself. It’s neighbors and patrons are growing in education and affluence. They seek more variety and welcome the world with open arms.

To find out more about South Grand, please contact Rachel Witt at 314-772-5750.

A flavor all it's own

Fell in love with the area.
Bought our own house. It is home!

-Pam Tower Grove East Resident